2023 Vietnam Veterans – Honorary Partner of Distinction Award Presentation2023 Celebrating the 250th Anniversary Boston Tea Party – Donating Tea for Boston Reenactment2023 Celebrating the 250th Anniversary Boston Tea Party2023 Celebrating the 250th Anniversary Boston Tea Party2023 Celebrating the 250th Anniversary Boston Tea Party – Donating Tea for Boston Reenactment2023 Independence Day – Celebrating the 250th Anniversary of the Boston Tea party with the SAR and C.A.R.2023 Help Patriotism Prevail – Teachers Appreciation Dinner2023 Liberty Week – Volunteering at Blueprints of Liberty Exhibit2023 Celebrating Women – Women in American Heritage Award presented to Annette Everett2023 Celebrating WW II Veteran Dr. Ken Brown’s 100th Birthday2023 Independence Day Parade2023 Independence Day – 1st Place Float Dartmouth Ship: Celebrating the 250th Anniversary of the Boston Tea party2023 Recording the Pledge of Allegiance at KONY Country 99.9FM2023 Warbird Museum Hangar Dance2023 Arbor Day Tree Planting
2021 DAR Women in American History posthumous award presentation - Juanita Brooks - accepted by her daughter and granddaughter