
Organizing the Pony Express chapter, NSDAR

The decision to form a new National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR or DAR) chapter in Lehi, Utah was made in 2019 by Utah State Regent Susan Holt. This decision was based on the rapid population growth in northern Utah County, as well as the number of prospective members interested in DAR living in this area. The formation of this new chapter was advertised with flyers on many community bulletin boards, on Facebook, in person recruitment with DAR booths at local community events and word of mouth. On May 16, 2020 the new Pony Express chapter held its organizing meeting, via Zoom due to the coronavirus pandemic (meetings larger than 20 people were banned in Utah at this time).  The chapter was formed with 25 Prospective organizing charter members; 22 confirmed members and 3 prospective members with applications still in review at NSDAR.

Timeline of Events

Organizing Regent Kara Kelley
Organizing Zoom meeting

Member Anniversaries

Kara Michelle Bennett Kelley – 10 years of membership

Kara joined the Spirit of Liberty Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution in Florida on February 5, 2011. She is married to Walter Kelley and is the mother of four boys: Karl, Erik, Luke and Mark. She transferred to the Samuel King Chapter while living in Oklahoma. After moving to Utah, she joined the Wasatch Range Chapter. In 2019, she was asked by then Utah State Regent, Susan Holt, to serve as the Organizing Regent of Pony Express.  We are so blessed to have her as our Regent. Congratulations on 10 years, Kara!

Rena Gayle Mills – 50 years of membership

Rena originally joined the Princess Timpanogos Chapter on January 31, 1970.  She was an Organizing Officer of Uintah Chapter upon its formation on February 1, 1974 in Sandy, Utah.   Rena is excited to be an organizing member of  our Pony Express Chapter and to serve as Organizing Historian.  She has served as the Uintah Chapter Regent twice (1976-1978 and 2014-2016).  She thoroughly enjoyed serving as a Page to the President General at the Hotel Utah during her years as a Junior.  Her favorite position was as Organizing Chapter Registrar of Uintah.  She has served most recently as the Americanism Chair of both Uintah and now Pony Express as well as DAR Magazine.  Rena’s love of genealogy, family heritage and service has driven her commitment to the organization.

Collette Kingsley – 25 years of membership

Colette joined the Daughters of the American Revolution on April 13, 1996. She  married Chris Kingsley on August 3, 1974 in Los Angeles, California. She has three  children: one boy and two girls which morphed into seven grandkids. Her oldest  granddaughter has just started her freshman year at the “U.” Colette and Chris ran their own business, an aircraft and surplus hardware store in  Southern California. They sold the business and retired to Utah in 2012. Colette’s hobbies include lacemaking, needlework, jewelry making, reading, gardening, and traveling. She is also a member of Daughters of the Confederacy, Union  Daughters and Colonial Dames. She joined DAR with her mother to try to get her  interested in her ancestors. Their mutual DAR patriot is John Bowen, PS, MD. They  belonged first to the John Greenleaf Whittier Chapter in Whittier, California until she  moved to Utah. She then joined Wasatch Range and then transferred to our chapter. In 2015, Colette won the American Heritage Contest for a lace fan she designed and  made. This was probably her greatest memory from her membership in DAR. She summed things up with, “Can’t believe it’s been 25 years! “  Congratulations on your first 25 years, Colette! 

Betty Seaver –  60 years of membership

Betty joined D.A.R. on October 16, 1961 in Etna California where she lived with her husband and  children. She moved to Utah in 1988 and transferred to the Wasatch Range chapter at that time.  Betty moved to Utah in 1988 and to Lehi in 2006. She was widowed in 2015. She recently  transferred to Pony Express Chapter to attend meetings closer to home. We are thrilled to have  her! Betty was born in West Texas during the sand bowl. She married Vernon Seaver and is the  mother of 6, three boys and three girls; the grandmother of 31, the great-grandmother of 62 and  the great-great grandmother of 2 and counting. Betty & Vernon farmed the land. Betty has flown  a plane, worked as an EMT, fought cancer and won, and raised a magnificent family. When asked to share fond memories about D.A.R. she included attending Naturalization courts  with “Judge Sam”, doing anything with Honorary State Regent Sue Anderson Ball, serving as a  docent, and traveling to Moab with D.A.R. friends and spouses to run the river as highlights. We are thrilled to celebrate 60 years with Betty and looking forward to many more!