

The Wasatch Range Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR or DAR), welcomes you to our website!

Wasatch Range Chapter NSDAR was named for the Wasatch Range of mountains, extending some 200 miles north and south from the Soda Springs region of Idaho to Nephi, Utah, where it ends with Mt. Nebo, which is the highest peak of the range. Mt. Timpanogos, the second highest peak, rises to an altitude of 12,008 feet. The range overlooks many prosperous cities, farms, and industries. The varicolored rocks, forest-clad slopes, snow-covered peaks and deep-gorged canyons present a panorama of majesty and beauty. The Daughters of the Wasatch Range Chapter NSDAR are proud to claim this protective and inspiring landmark of the State of Utah for its chapter name.

With twelve charter members, Wasatch Range Chapter was organized on February 1, 1974.


Patriot Name Service State
Abbott, Joshua CAPT NH
Ammen, Thorst PVT PA
Bearse, Josiah PVT CT
Becker, David, Jr. PVT NY
Benner, Peter CPL MA
Bonham, Jacob SGT PA
Bowen, John PS MD
Bradford, Wait PVT MA
Browning, John PS NC
Barney, John, Sr. CS, PS VT
Bowen, John PS MD
Boynton, John PVT MA
Campbell, Henry PVT VA
Casper, Peter SOL VA
Chipman, Amos, Sr. CS VT
Cram, Nathan SOL NH
Crandall, David PVT RI
Crozier, John LT MA
Cowing, James CPL MA
Cummings, Harmon PVT, PS VA
Curtis, Moses CPL MA
Dearmond, Thomas PVT PA
Dunbar, Obed PVT MA
Dunbar, Thomas PVT VA
Eaton, David SGT NH
Eldredge, Phineas NCAPT PA
Ewell, Maxcey PS VA
Gardner, Abel PVT MA
Garrard, John PS VA
Geyer, John NONCOM PA
Groves, Robert NONCOM DE
Gustin, Jeremiah PS NJ
Hamstreet, Philip LT NY
Harmon, Joel PVT MA
Herndon, Benjamin PVT, PS VA
Herndon, James CAPT NC
Herrick, Amos PVT VT
Hess, George Baltzer PS PA
Holliday, Daniel, Jr. SGT, PS SC
Holmes, John, Jr. PVT MA
Horton, WIlliam PVT NY
Houston, John, Jr. PVT, PS SC
Huckaby, Philip NONCOM NC
Hunter, Andrew PVT, PS PA
Hurst, Henry PS VA
Hutchins, John SGT VT & NY
Jones, Stephen PVT NJ
Lemon, Robert Capt CS MD
Libby, Zebulon PVT MA
Lovejoy, Daniel PVT NH
Mcbrayer, David PVT PA
Mccormick, Archibald PVT VT
Mccoy, John PVT PA
Mcmahon, Daniel PVT NC
McMullin, Archibald PVT MA
Meredith, Peter PVT DE
Metcalf, Jabez SGT MA
Miller, Henry SGT CT
Morrow, Joseph PVT SC
Partridge, Oliver CS MA
Pratt, Obediah PVT NY
Putnam, Philip CAPT, CS NH
Pyle, WIlliam LT VA
Redwine, Jacob PVT NC
Sanford, Robert PS VA
Sargent, Jeremiah PVT VA
Smith, Asael PVT NH
Smith, John PVT, PS VA
Spear, Andrew PVT, PS VT
Struble, Daniel ENS NJ
Talbot, Richard LT MD
Taylor, Joseph PVT, PS NC
Tebbs, William PS VA
Tucker, Jacob LT NJ
West, John PVT NJ
Wickham, William PVT NY
Williams, William LT CT
Winn, Thomas PS VA

CAPT — Captain
COL — Colonel
CPL — Corporal
CS — Civil Service
DRUMMER— Drummer
ENS — Ensign
1LT — First Lieutenant
2LT— Second Lieutenant
LT — Lieutenant
MUS — Musician
NONCOM — Non-Commissioned Officer
PS — Patriotic Service
PVT — Private
SGT — Sergeant
SOL — Soldier