Dear Daughters,

Continental Congress in Washington D.C. (June 23-30), was a whirlwind of activity and fun.  The week began with the National Board of Management on Monday conducted by President General Merry Ann T. Wright; and ended with the National Board of Management on Sunday conducted by new President General Lynn Forney Young.  Both of these women are outstanding and great leaders of NSDAR.

It was my responsibility to report about the Utah Society at Conference.  In the short 2 minute report, “We Are Small in Numbers, But Mighty in Spirit”, I mentioned the State Regent’s project of service to Veterans and Project Patriot activities with adopted soldiers and their families.   The Yamaha piano donation to the Fisher House was the highlight of our state conference.

As your State Regent, I was invited to numerous teas, breakfasts, and other social events sponsored by state societies.  I tried to attend most of them.  I represented Utah at the National Officer’s Club, National Chairman’s Club, and State Regent’s Club as well.
Business meetings during the daytime were well attended. Seen sitting in the Utah Box were: Golden West Tea attendees” Front lf-rt Cindy Toone, Shirley Nelson, Ellen Powley; Back lf-rt: Meredith Frey, Lorena Norris Judy Barking, Janis McCoid, LeAnn Eliason, Lisa Hoyt, (not pictured Abby Moser.)
Utah received special recognition in the categories of 100% participation of state members in President General’s Project. Also the State of Utah donated $1,000.00 gift to the Lay Light Project.  We received a Benefactor Award. I was privileged to walk across the platform and represent the Utah State Daughters in both of these recognitions.

Special times included the Gift Giving Ceremony wherein Judy Mayfield had donated to the Library Subscriptions in honor of our mother, Honorary State Regent, Elvira White who passed away last year.  Since Judy could not attend, I was asked to appear with the Librarian General, Joan Hunter at the ceremony.

The Memorial Service on Sunday honored both Elvira White and Mary Urie Honorary State Regents from Utah.  In attendance at that service were:  Shirley Nelson, Janis McCoid, Cindy Toone, Ellen Powley, and Judy Barking. A wreath of flowers honoring these great women, and other National Officers of the society that had passed away last year, was placed at the Founder’s Statue in the garden on C Street.  Installation of the incoming State Regents and President General’s Executive Board followed.
Watch for our Utah State Newsletter coming in July with more information of coming events, and pictures of Continental Congress.

Summer is a busy time of planning our DAR Chapter and State events for the next year.   Please mark your calendar for our August State BOM and Workshop coming August 17, 2013.  The Executive Board of Management needs to attend the BOM meeting 9:00-10:15am.  State Chairmen and all members are invited to attend the Workshop and Luncheon which commences at 10:30am –Noon.  Lunch charge will be $10.00 (Please let Brenda Reeder know if you are coming for lunch at  The event will be held at the Salt Lake County Complex 2100 South State Street in Salt Lake City, Utah.

The Workshop will bring information on the new State Regent’s focus next year entitled “Points of Light” and how we, as Utah Daughters, will fit into our new President General’s goal of achieving one million hours of volunteerism as we “Celebrate America.”

Utah daughters will shine beautifully in this area.  We already have the volunteerism spirit and will need to report our activities throughout the next few years.  Come and contribute with your ideas as we plan our meetings and committee work to accomplish the DAR mission of Education, Patriotism, and Historic Preservation.
In DAR Friendship,

Shirley Nelson